What is the Partnership?
The DIABETES across the LIFECOURSE: Northern Australia Partnership is led by a team at Menzies School of Health Research (Menzies) with support and involvement from a range of health services and organisations. It includes researchers, policy makers and health service providers.
The aim of the Partnership is to improve the health and wellbeing of people in our region by working together to grow and share knowledge about diabetes, strengthen systems of care and services for people with diabetes, and develop prevention strategies. Recognising the intergenerational cycle of diabetes and the high burden of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, our current efforts particularly focus on women with diabetes in pregnancy and their babies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people with type 2 diabetes, and diabetes prevention in children.
Working in partnership is essential to translating research outcomes into practice and achieving sustainable health outcomes.
Vision and Priorities
Our Northern Territory & Far North Queensland partners